Monday, August 9, 2010

Slowly... slowly...

So yeah, I think I am slowly coming back to myself.  I really like the kind of high-energy buzz I get when faire season rolls around in Colorado, but this year was a bit much and I did a crap job of taking care of myself, my home and my relationships this summer.  I begin to have more sympathy for my truly busy busy friends and I wonder even more than when I had never been there how in the hell ya'll do it. 

I have had an Evil knot about the size of the end of a coke can living under my left shoulder for a week and between the gracious stabbing by Darcy and the brutal crunching of Dr Yoder, it seems to have subsided a bit.  Of course, I then proceeded to work an eight and a half hour day of nothing but belt burnishing following the chiropractor which might not have been the best choice for my own well being but left Terry in a better place for it.  It's nice to see that I really can organize that mismatched crew into an efficient belt-making machine when the need arises.  We banged out somewhere along the lines of fifty belts today.  It's a lot, trust me.  Terry's killing himself trying to get everything done and once again I have some sympathy but only some because a lot of this is bad planning in action.  Every year....

The new vehicle makes me happy.  I'm still getting used to parking it and I tend to overcompensate for the size.  I drive an SUV of sorts now.  Don't laugh, it's an Element and I like it.  It's got room for two.

I'm driving with Ashley to Michigan this year.  It has been... a really long time... since I went on the road With someone.  I mean, I've done some cool little trips with Darcy in the past and other folks too, but really travelling with someone... it's been a long time.  More than ten years, depending on how I count it.  It's good that we're taking some time away this week so's we're both less made of stress when we load up and head out.

Looking forward to Valley View.  Warm water and sun on skin and quiet.  Yeah.  Nice thought.

Our house is still half moved in to, but I did hang some more art and Ashley manages to organize small places more and more.  It's hard when you realize right after moving in that it's not where ya want to be.  I dunno where we'll wind up.  It is we, and that's got a nice feel to it, but we have much to rearrange and not all of it is furniture.

Tired and sore but feeling pretty good.  Need to remember to avail myself of acupuncture more often.  Need to find other good options for moving the chi around too.

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